Brazilian Butt Lift, How It Can Be Performed Safely

Dr. Michael Omidi is a double-board certified plastic surgeon practicing in Beverly Hills and greater Los Angeles specializing in cosmetic surgery. He has performed thousands of cosmetic procedures including lipo-suctioning and fat transfer procedure safely to remove cellulite, make the buttocks shapelier, firmer, and rounder by adding volume and curvature lost from weight loss, age, or pregnancy.

If properly performed the procedure can be done easily with little anesthesia and very low risks. Dr. Omidi will outline the step-by-step approach he uses to perform this procedure safely.

BBL Photo Credit: Shutterstock

1. Board Certified Plastic and Reconstructive surgeon. Ensure your surgeon is a board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon.

2. Ensure that your surgeon performs this procedure routinely.

3. Anesthesia – General or Sedation anesthesia can be performed for this procedure. Dr. Omidi prefers moderate to deep sedation where the patient will not see hear or remember anything but maintains life-saving reflexes and the risk of blood clots and embolism are significantly reduced.

4. Power-assisted Lipo-suctioning (PAL) – Dr. Omidi finds that the PAL technique is safer because the liposuction cannula is being moved very gently and slowly. This creates less trauma to the tissues which in turn leads to less swelling and bruising. More importantly, it allows the tip of the liposuction cannula to be moved slowly always knowing where the tip is. This reduces the chance of injuring deeper structures or damaging superficial fat closest to the skin which removal of can lead to irregularities and asymmetry.

Dr. OmidiPhoto Credit: Shutterstock5. Patient’s assistance during turning. Turning a patient after completion of liposuction must be done safely as a patient that is flaccid cannot protect themselves or appendages from being hurt. Dr. Omidi prefers to lighten anesthesia after lipo-suctioning is complete. The patient will assist in turning and will maintain all protective reflexes. There will be little to no pain from the surgery when the patient is awakened as Dr. Omiidi will infuse long-lasting local anesthetic prior to lipo-suctioning.

6. Transferring fat into the correct locations. Fat must be transferred above the gluteus muscles into the subcutaneous fat. It SHOULD NOT be transferred into the deeper tissues of the buttocks.

For more information refer to or follow Dr. Omidi on Instagram @drmichaelomidi

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