How Dr. Bloom Uses ThermiTight For Anti-Aging In The Neck & Jowls

ThermiTight Dr. BloomPhoto Credit: Photo courtesy of Dr. Jason Bloom

Dr. Jason D. Bloom is an award-winning, Ivy-League trained, double board-certified facial plastic & reconstructive surgeon.  His extensive experience and reputable training provide the foundation for his excellent technical skills and surgical aesthetic. He is dedicated to the treatment of patients with both cosmetic concerns and reconstructive problems of the head and neck. Haute Beauty sits down with Dr. Bloom to learn more about his ThermiTight, to promote collagen production and skin tightening in the lower face. 

HB: What is ThermiTight?

The procedure is ThermiTight for the lower face and neck. It is a percutaneous radiofrequency (RF) device that is performed in the office under local anesthesia. There is minimal downtime and patients that have this done on a Wednesday or Thursday would be able to go back to work by the following Monday. It involves No Surgery, No Sutures & No Scalpels! That is how I explain it best to patients. Final results are best achieved at 4-6 months following the single treatment.

ThThermiTight Dr. Jason BloomPhoto Credit: Photo courtesy of Dr. Jason BloomHB: How does ThermiTight work?

The ThermiTight procedure works by using a non-surgical, minimally invasive probe to deliver radiofrequency energy to specific areas just beneath the surface of the skin. Radiofrequency energy produces a profound anti-aging effect by sending heat to the deeper layers of the skin, unable to be reached by other non-surgical devices, in order to promote collagen production and tissue tightening. Results include improvement and tightening of the skin and soft tissue laxity in the jowls, lower face and neck. This treatment is often also coupled with an in-office “micro-liposuction” to help further contour the neck, submental, jowls and jawline area. The best candidates for the procedure are patients who still have some elasticity in the neck and lower facial tissues, allowing them to tighten more effectively. I have termed this patient population the “tweeners”. There are patients who are in their mid-late 40s to early-mid 50s. They are just beginning to see the signs of again in their lower face and neck and maybe need something more than a non-invasive skin tightening device, but they are not ready physically or mentally for a lower face & neck lift. One of the best parts of the ThermiTight procedure is that it can be perfomed painlessly under local anesthesia in the office setting in under 2 hours and unlike other radiofrequency procedures, ThermiTight is a single treatment solution offering near-surgical results, in some cases, with far less downtime. Over the course of 4-6 months, the tissue continues to tighten and “shrink-wrap” to the underlying bony and muscular structure of the lower face and neck.

HB: How do you work as a team with the patient to achieve the desired results?

The consultation is really the most critical point of deciding who is the best candidate for this treatment. The surgeon and patient must work as a team in order to present and understand what are the realistic expectations of the device. From my experience doing hundreds of these procedures, I can reliably offer the patient a 30-40% improvement in their lower face & neck area. As I explained, this is not a face or neck lift result, but the results can come quite close to surgical improvement in a well selected patient. The patient must understand that there needs to be some elasticity left in the skin and soft tissues of the lower face and neck. In a patient with loose crepey skin and muscle, the device isn’t able to tighten the tissue with the same effectiveness.

HB: How much does ThermiTight cost?

The cost of the procedure ranges from $4,500-6,000 depending on the areas treated and adjunct procedures that can be added like micro-liposuction.

HB: How many treatments does ThermiTight require?

This is a 1 treatment procedure. I usually see patients in the office for a consult before the procedure and to schedule it. Regular post-treatment visits then happen at 1 month, 3 months & 6 months.

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