Complete Your Weight Loss With Body Contouring Surgery

For many patients who have struggled with their weight, it can be frustrating to find that you are still not completely satisfied with your appearance after you shed those unwanted pounds. While some people have effectively achieved a slimmer waistline through strict diet and exercise, others may not be as fortunate.

If you have achieved your weight loss goal but find that folds of excess skin hide the new shape that you have worked so hard to achieve, Dr. Gabriel Chiu offers body contouring surgery to eliminate loose skin and extra fat to help give you the look you’ve always wanted. 

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What Is Body Contouring Surgery? 

Dramatic weight loss and aging can create skin laxity, leaving you with sagging skin. Poor elasticity can also contribute to a flabby, undefined appearance that can make you feel self-conscious about your figure. 

Whether it is due to aging, significant weight loss, or pregnancy, men and women can develop excess skin and fat deposits along the upper and lower body that they wish to address. Body contouring surgery can include any of the following procedures to restore a firmer and lean body contour: 

            • Arm lift surgery
            • Breast lift surgery
            • Liposuction
            • Thigh lift surgery

What Are My Body Contouring Options? 

Because obtaining a slim and beautiful appearance is important to many people, patients of all ages look into body contouring surgery as a safe and effective solution to reach their aesthetic goals. However, the procedures and techniques that can help you achieve the results you want will vary.

Upper Body 

Upper body procedures usually consist of correcting the breasts and arms as a result of genetics, post-pregnancy, or weight loss. Breast lift surgery can be performed to lift the breasts to a more youthful position while removing excess skin,  and the breast tissue is sculpted to create a youthful and flattering contour. Arm lift surgery can also remove loose skin for a smoother, sleeker appearance.

Lower Body 

Patients typically choose to undergo lower body procedures to address stubborn fat and loose skin that has developed along the midsection, buttocks, or thighs after losing a significant amount of weight. 

For example, tummy tuck surgery removes excess skin and tightens the underlying abdominal muscles while liposuction can eliminate stubborn fat deposits in various areas of the body. Thigh lift surgery accomplishes also removes excess skin and stubborn fat deposits to help relieve chafing and allow clothing to fit better.