“Flapping” Arms Be Gone: Arm Lift Surgery

Dr. Jeffrey Lee is a Harvard trained plastic surgeon serving patients in the greater Boston area. He specializes in cosmetic procedures of the face, breast, body, as well as nonsurgical treatments such as Botox and Juvederm. Dr. Lee's vision for patient care blends both safety, as well as optimal aesthetic outcomes. Haute Beauty chats with Dr. Jeffrey Lee to learn more about an arm lift. 

Arm Lift Dr. Jeffrey LeePhoto Credit: Shutterstock

HB: How does the arm lift procedure work?

Arm lift surgery removes excess skin and fat from the arms between the shoulder and elbow.  It is great for people who hate when their arms “flap” with movement.  During the surgery, I will often perform liposuction to remove the excess fat and then remove the excess skin.

HB: Who is a good candidate for an arm lift procedure?

Anyone who wants a tighter arm who is willing to have the scar is a great candidate for an arm lift.  Typically patients who have lost a decent amount of weight have a lot of excess skin that will never get better without surgery.

HB: Are there limitations for an arm lift?

The big thing I discuss with patients is the scar.  I have to make an incision from the underarm usually near the elbow.  I place it on the inside in what is called the bicipital groove so that it is well hidden when the arms are at your side but it is still a scar that can be noticeable in certain situations.  Most people who undergo the surgery tell me that they eventually forget about the scar and stop caring about it so in the end, it ends up being a fantastic decision.

Arm LiftPhoto Credit: Shutterstock

HB: What does recovery look like for an arm lift?

Recovery is typically fairly mild and involves 3-5 days of discomfort.  I have the arms in a compressive garment for about a month but usually patients are back to work in less than a week.

HB: How much does an arm lift cost?

It varies by how much work needs to be done but will typically range between $6,900-$13,000.  If you have excess skin only and not lot of fat, it will be on the lower end, but if you have fat and skin excess, it will be on the higher end.

For more information, visit Dr. Jeffrey Lee's social media: