Everything You Should Know About The Smile Makeover

Smile makeovers help to improve the appearance and function of your teeth and gums.

Photo Credit: Courtesy of Dr. TetriHow confident are you when you smile? Do issues with your teeth not being appropriately aligned or discoloration cause you to hide your smile from the world? If so, you could benefit from a Smile Makeover provided by our orthodontics professionals here at Tetri Smile Dental Boutique.

What is a Smile Makeover?

A smile makeover involves various restorative and cosmetic dentistry procedures that help resolve structural and aesthetic issues a person has with their teeth or gums. Each makeover is tailored to meet the needs of the individual patient. That means one patient’s smile makeover may include veneers or enamel shaping, while another patient may require gum reshaping or crowns.

When you schedule an appointment with Dr. Baruch Tetri, you will discuss which combination of dental procedures should be included with your personalized smile makeover. By communicating with Dr. Tetri about your cosmetic and oral function concerns, you can be sure to get the smile makeover that will leave you with a beautiful and healthy smile with fewer function issues.

Who Should Get a Smile Makeover?

A good candidate for a smile makeover is someone who has several dental issues they would like to take care of simultaneously. These dental problems can include everything from tooth discoloration, chips and cracks, stains, spaces, uneven or worn down teeth, missing teeth, or excessive gum tissue. After discussing what problems you would like to correct with Dr. Tetri, he will suggest the individual procedures to fix them, such as teeth whitening, veneers gum reshaping.

Why are Smile Makeovers Essential to Your Oral Health?

Smile makeovers can have a significant impact on the appearance of your teeth and gums. However, these procedures can improve dental health and function as well. Jaw alignment is often added to smile makeovers to align the upper and lower jaws for a proper bite. If your bite is misaligned, it can cause issues such as pain and discomfort, Temporomandibular Joint Disorder, and cause you to have difficulty eating or speaking.

A smile makeover that includes a jaw alignment procedure will not only leave you with a brighter and more confident smile but will also help make your teeth and jaws more functional to improve your overall well-being.

Dr. TetriPhoto Credit: Courtesy of Dr. TetriWhat to Expect When Visiting Tetri Smile Dental Boutique for Your Smile Makeover

Before your appointment, you will be asked to bring in a photo from your childhood, teen years, or early adulthood showing your best smile. That will give Dr. Tetri and his staff a better idea of what results you have in mind.

When you arrive at our dental boutique for your smile makeover, the first thing you will do is have a panoramic x-ray. This particular type of x-ray outputs an image of your entire mouth which includes all your teeth, upper and lower jaws, the temporomandibular joints, and your nasal area. This x-ray makes it possible for Dr. Tetri to check for issues such as bone abnormalities, tumors, or impacted teeth.

After your x-ray, you will have photos taken at our photo lab, and your teeth will be scanned to create a smile design and mock-up.

What is a Mock-Up?

A mock-up is a diagnostic procedure used as a guide for tooth preparation. It assists with the aesthetics of your makeover. During this process, the shape and color of your teeth are changed temporarily to ensure the changes you and the dentist want to achieve will be both cosmetically pleasing and functional.

How Long Does a Smile Makeover Take?

The estimated time for a smile makeover varies because each patient has different dental needs. If only one or two procedures are needed, Dr. Tetri may complete your makeover in a single visit to our office. You can ask questions about the makeover duration and other vital aspects such as at-home care following the procedure during your initial visit with us.

How Long Does a Smile Makeover Last?

Your smile makeover should stand the test of time, and when you schedule an appointment with us here at Tetri Smile Dental Boutique, you can be assured that our procedures will provide you with long-lasting results. While some procedures – such as veneers and enamel shaping – should last for many years, other services like teeth whitening will need to be repeated on a routine basis to help you maintain your new and improved smile.

Schedule Your Appointment With Cosmetic Dentist Dr. Baruch Tetri Today!

At Tetri Smile Dental Boutique, we offer a wide range of preventative and cosmetic restorative dental services. If you are interested in learning more about our Smile Makeover or would like to learn more about other dental care options, we offer such as teeth whitening or dental bonding, give us a call to set up an appointment. We look forward to seeing you and helping you achieve your very best beautiful smile.Tetri's SmilePhoto Credit: Courtesy of Dr. Tetri