Could This $3 Product Leave Your Skin as Shiny as Kate Middleton’s?

Nutella mask

It sounds almost unbelievable. The Queen of Britain and the Duchess of Cambridge have a $3 beauty hack: Nutella.

At least, this is what Deborah Mitchell, beauty expert to the British royals, suggested in her recent appearance on the This Morning show. According to the beautician, who owns the Heaven Skincare label, the chocolate spread contains sugar that acts like an exfoliant, revealing a smooth and moist sheen.

Nutella, it turns out, makes for a cheap and simple mask. All you need to do is smear it on your face without allowing it to leak off. Leave it on for as long as it takes to dry and harden. Do not use water to remove it, but instead, shuck it off in chunks. Such a motion allegedly draws out impurities, like blackheads and oil, out of the pores.

While Mitchell extols the beauty-enhancing properties of Nutella, others are not so sure. Some dermatologists warn that chocolate may, in fact, clog the skin and exacerbate its conditions. So, smear on Nutella with caution. If it does not leave your skin shining like Kate’s, reach for other products in the fridge, like eggs and avocado.