What Is Body FX And How Does It Work?

Dr. Kaado sees the beauty in every person he meets. It is a testament to his skills that Dr. Kaado’s clients include high-level executives, beauty editors, models, and people from all walks of life who just want to look and feel better. Haute Beauty Chats with Dr. Kaado about Body FX, a non-surgical tool for body contouring.

Who is a good candidate?

Body FX is a non-invasive device for body contouring and cellulite treatment.

Good candidates for Body Fx must:

  • Be Healthy without medical conditions that impair or delay healing, or any conditions that can increase the risks of non-invasive procedures.
  • Be at or close to their ideal body weight.
  • Commit to leading a healthy lifestyle with proper fitness and nutrition.
  • Have realistic goals and a positive outlook.

What are the main reasons for this procedure?

Body FX delivers long-lasting treatment for the destruction of cellulite and unsightly fat deposits without the need for downtime or invasive surgery. Treatment with Body FX reduces areas of stubborn fat in the targeted body parts, reduces the appearance of dimpled skin, and firms lax skin to restore a more youthful, smooth and supple skin quality and appearance.

Body FX can be used to treat many areas of the body including:

  • Abdomen
  • Inner and outer thighs
  • Love handles
  • Hips
  • Buttocks
  • Arms

 Is there any prep required by the patient?

Patients on anticoagulants should stop the medications for 7-14 days prior to the treatment to avoid bruising, if medically permitted by their provider.  It is recommended to arrive to the appointment with clean dry skin, any lotions or oils should not be applied prior to the treatment. 

As Body FX is a non-invasive treatment, anesthesia is not needed for this procedure. The treatment zones are marked while standing. You will be asked to lay down, the area is prepped and cleaned with alcohol. The provider will place the Body FX device on the body area to be treated so it will deliver precise, deep and optimal heating of the skin and the surrounding tissue, to sculpt, firm and tighten the skin. A single RF pulse is sent in order to heat the underlying tissue to the required temperature. Once this is achieved, a second pulse will be sent, designed to destroy the targeted fat cells, for reduction, contraction and shaping of the body. The gentle vacuum pressure is applied by negative pressure massage, to help lift the tissue so that the radio frequency energy can penetrate deeper to melt the fat and tighten the skin .

Body Fx treatments are comfortable and quick.

 How long do results last?

To Achieve optimal results six to ten weekly or biweekly 30 minute sessions with Body Fx are recommended, and produce on average a 39.6% reduction in 3 months.

After few treatments, you will notice a gradual reduction in the fat content of the area as your body works to sweep dead fat cells away in the coming months. Skin tightening results are noticed 4-6 weeks after the treatments, it takes a longer time for collagen remodeling. Full results may be seen six months following treatments.

Body Fx results are permanent. As with any fat destruction treatments, if a healthy lifestyle is not maintained, the remaining fat cells can increase in size with weight gain. Studies had shown that there is an average of 68% reduction in Cellulite.

Compared to other devices like cool sculpting and Sculpsure, Body Fx melts the fat and tightens the skin at the same time, the other treatments target fat cells only, they don’t have any effect on skin tightening.

Maintenance treatments consist of 1 session every 3-6 months or more according to the patient’s response.

How long is recovery?

There is no downtime associated with BodyFx since it is a non-invasive treatment. 

Redness, swelling and itching are common responses and will resolve after few days.

It is recommended to 

  1. avoid hot water and direct heat exposure including tanning beds and sun for 2 days post-treatment.
  2. Avoid scrubbing and scratching the treated areas.
  3. Moisturize the skin.

For more information, visit Dr. Georges Kaado's social media: